Aretha Piskláková


Angličtina, Španělština, Portugalština

O své práci říká

When I started as an English teacher, I had an opinion that teaching English abroad was just a way to travel around the world, experience other cultures and go on great adventures. That was before I realized I liked teaching English, and my students liked me. From that point, I tried harder and took my profession more seriously. As it is with any profession, there is room for improvement and becoming the best you can be at doing that thing. You will also realize that it is, indeed, a real job and very demanding at times. It is a teaching job, after all.

Co dělá, když právě neučí:

After spending a few years in CZ not only have I become more active, but I have taken up new hobbies like ice skating, cross country skiing and going on hikes at the weekend. Things that I didn't have the opportunity to do in my home country. And it is amazing. However, I still enjoy my “Me Time” once in a while and binge-watch some tv series on Netflix.